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Format: Online  ISSN 1943-1430


The Journal of Advanced Research in Fuzzy and Uncertain Systems (JARFUS) is an Open Access online journal which publishes original research articles related to Fuzzy and Uncertain Systems with mathematical description, including mathematical theory of fuzzy and uncertainty, optimization methodology under fuzzy and uncertainty, as well as applications in artificial intelligence, machine learning and knowledge discovery. By uncertainty, we mean fuzziness, randomness as well as twofold uncertainty. Some typical topics covered by JARFUS include but not limit to: fuzzy logic; fuzzy set; type-2 fuzzy set; rough set; possibility theory; credibility theory ;random fuzzy theory; stochastic programming; fuzzy programming; uncertain programming; multi-stage fuzzy programming; fuzzy multilevel programming; probabilistic reasoning; fuzzy reasoning; artificial intelligence; pattern recognition; machine learning; neural network; data mining; knowledge discovery.