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The Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS) is an Open Access journal which aims to publish high quality research articles in the theory and applications of Dynamical and Control Systems, especially (but not exclusively) nonlinear systems. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: bifurcation theory; Hamiltonian and Lagrangian dynamics; hyperbolic dynamics; ergodic theory; topological and smooth dynamics; random dynamical systems; adaptive and optimal control; uncertain systems and robust control; nonlinear systems and control; intelligent control; distributed parameter systems and control; energy systems and control; fluid control systems; instrumentation and components; manufacturing technology; aerospace systems; computer control; power systems; production systems; real time control; robotics; motion controls; transportation and bio-medical systems.

The Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS)  is indexed and reviewed by Scopus, AMS Digital Mathematics Registry, Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH, European Mathematical Society, FIZ Karlsruhe, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory and SerialsSolutions.